Snack Attack

Snacks are often a dieter's downfall. You may be accustomed to snacking at your desk while working, in front of the TV, or when you're bored. However, mindless snacking can add unwanted pounds.

Common advice on snacking while dieting is to just don't buy unhealthy snacks. While in theory this sounds like good advice, in real life it isn't always possible. Even though you are trying to lose weight, your family may not want to give up their snacks.

In some cases, simple substitution will work. If you have a craving for chocolate, try some fat-free, sugar-free chocolate pudding. You may be able to quench an ice cream craving with some frozen yogurt. Look for reduced-calorie versions of the snacks you enjoy. If one isn't readily available at the grocery, check online for recipes. Many times you can find a modified recipe of your favorite snack.

Keep healthy snacks on hand for you. You're less likely to reach for an unhealthy snack if you have a kitchen stocked with healthier options. Pre-cut veggies, whether bought or cut yourself, are a good option.

If you absolutely must have an unhealthy snack and nothing else will do, do it in moderation and work it into your calories. If you deny yourself your favorite foods, you're going to be cranky and feel deprived. Eat lower-calorie, but filling foods the rest of the day to make room for your treat. Sharing is another option.

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